A Week With Rachel – Tuesday

I went to work in the coffee shop yesterday and got some really good tips. Perhaps from wearing a nice little outfit or perhaps from letting guys deliver the tips however they wanted to.

It’s kind of stupid now that I think about it, but I decided that if wearing just bikini panties would give me such a nice tip, not wearing anything at all on my bottom, would give me an even nicer tip.


It turned out not to be that stupid. Well, I did get a lot of tips, walking around bottomless in the Central Perk. I didn’t think about the fact that they didn’t have anywhere to put the tips this time, so it was really awkward. Some tried to to get it stuck between my pussy lips, but didn’t really succeed. In the end, I did get a lot of tips nonetheless.

I know what you are thinking – what on earth could a bottomless girl get tips for, right? No, it’s not what you’re thinking, if you think that I had sex with anyone. Of course not. What do you think I am!? Although, at one point a few guys ganged up on me and jerked off on my face.


Well, who could blame them. It was nothing a few napkins couldn’t remove. And the great news was that the guys gave me a great tip afterwards. Some of them gave me a tip even though they didn’t buy any coffee.

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