More daring – Chapter 3

A few days later, my boss finally replied back. RE: Calendar photoshoot read the subject. I almost didn’t care to click the mail. I was pretty sure I was now the one to get paid to be in the calendar, since none of the other girls would have dared to have topless pictures taken.

I clicked the emails.

Hi again Cherry,

Wow! That’s an amazing picture!!

I am so thrilled to be able to have pictures like this in the calendar. Not just from you, but would you believe it, two of the other girls also submitted topless pictures! In fact, there might not even be room for the first bikini shot you sent me anymore.

Anyway, once again thanks for the picture. Since the other girls matched your picture, you won’t get paid for this one – but thankyou for helping with the promotion of the club, that’s very kind of you.

Now, although I’m sure you would never do it, I should mention that if you want to send me a more daring picture than that, you’re most welcome to do so …


He was right – I would never send a more daring picture. What was more daring – getting naked and have pictures taken of myself. That’s just plain slutty!

Well, I guess having topless pictures taken for a stupid bartending job was also kind of slutty. It would be cool to have gotten paid, that would kind of justify the whole thing. Hmm, as he said, it was almost unthinkable that I – or anyone else for that matter – would have a more daring picture taken than this. The stakes were high, but that would also mean that if I took the gamble, I would almost certainly win.

So I had a choice to make. Be a slutty topless bartender – or be a well paid artistic nude model. I chose the latter – I was gonna go all the way and have nude pictures taken. And as a bonus, I knew my friend the photographer would be ecstatic about it!


I had my friend come to my house to take the pictures. He suggested I oiled my behind a bit for artistic effect and I took it. He took a few pictures and I posed at each one – until I stopped hearing the clicking sound.

“Why are you not taking any more pictures?” I asked. He said “Well, I could waste my battery, but I understood you said something about getting naked for this one?”

Oh yes … I guess my subconscious had blocked it out. I took a deep breath, then dropped first the bra – then broke the barrier and dropped my panties too. I held the panties in my hand for a while until my friend lifted his eye brows and nodded at them questioning …

I threw them away and now posed in the nude to the sound of the clicking camera.


I was naked on the couch, kind of crouching forward, facing the camera. I was being careful to not let the camera catch me in a bad angle. My friend kind of tried to move around me but each time, I just followed him so he wouldn’t get any embarrassing pictures of me.

“Listen Cherry, you gotta ease up – you’re having nude pictures taken, so your nudity should be visible on the pictures”

I figured he was right. This would maybe not even count as nude pictures, unless some of my more private parts were visible. I allowed him to move in and take the pictures from a different angle.


Damn. My friend was taking pictures of my spread pussy. How did it come to this? Well, the good news is that I would get paid a lot of money for it and in a weird way, I would be able to be proud of it. Well, maybe not proud, but I would keep my dignity in a way.

Yes, I was giving a part of myself on these pictures, but I would also get a decent amount of money for it. I’m not the first nude model in the world – really, what’s the big deal.

“OK, that’s enough” I said, when my friend got too close with the camera. “I think we got it”.

“I think you’re right” he said and gave me a USB key with the pictures. I rushed home, put them on my computer and mailed them to my boss…

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