In a large company it’s really hard to get noticed. You have win big sales to get noticed and you only get to be on the big sales meetings if you’re one of the hot shots. For some reason, mostly men get that opportunity or so it seemed to Jessica.
That’s why Jessica jumped at the opportunity to do a test run of a pitch that she helped create. If her bosses were happy with her pitch, she would join them for the actual sales meeting and get part of the commission as well as the recognition.
Maybe you’re wondering why Jessica chose that particular outfit when she came to work today. Well, it’s flashy. Men wear flashy suits to impress and Jessica does the same. But a flashy suit for a man is not the same as that of a woman.
Some career women try to wear something as close as possible to the suit that men wear. Jessica wants to wear something professional but still something that makes it obvious that she is still a Woman. Just like men wear shoulder pads in their suits to make them look even more manly.
However, maybe it was after all her outfit that changed the direction of this test pitch.
Her dress is short. I mean, not just short, but very short. That’s fine, but then you gotta be in control of it. During her arguments and while presenting the numbers that were going to prove the advantageous return on investment for the customer, her dress rose slightly and exposed her panties under the dress.
Her bosses giggled among themselves. They paid more attention to her, but they didn’t truly listen that much more, so her dress was working for her and against her at the same time.
It didn’t help much when she was explaining just how long the retention of this deal was going to be, when she gestured just how long with her arms, one of the buttons of her tight dress jumped open.
As if her bosses hadn’t enough reasons to lose attention already, the janitor stumbled into the conference room. “Ohh, sorry, I didn’t know there were still people in here” he said.
“No, that’s fine! Perfect, actually!” her immediate boss said. “Come on in. Jessica, we know all this stuff already, but the customer doesn’t. Why don’t you sell it to Ted here?”
“Ted, come on in!” he repeated. “Alright” he said and nodded “I guess can spare 20 minutes or so, is that fine? My name’s Jake, by the way…”
“Sit down”.
Jake sat down and listened to Jessica who was kind of starting over and dumbing it down a little to make sure Jake could understand. “Are you with her so far, Ted?” her boss asked. Jake ignored that he was consistently called by the wrong name and just nodded.
“Sure, it’s like some sort of plan to keep customers loyal and getting them to purchase more, by giving incentives, right?” Ted asked.
“Right!” Jessica’s boss said, impressed. Whether he was impressed with Jake or with Jessica was unclear.
“How far would you go to sell to Ted here, Jessica?”
“I would first tell him the advantages of our approach and then …”
“No no no, I mean how far … in case he needs some extra convincing. Maybe you can join us at the meeting, you could be a distraction and some times we need a little extra to convince the customer, something that Ian and I can’t really do” he said and referred to Ian, the head of acquisitions.
“Would you flirt with him?” Jessica nodded. “Show us, what would you do?”
Jessica noticed that a button had jumped open on her dress, but decided to pretend it was on purpose and part of the flirt that she was ready to do with the customer, or in this case, Jake the Janitor
She stood close to him and kind of flirted with him and went all close to him to show her bosses what kind of flirting she would be ready to do.
“Are you happy with this, Ted?” He didn’t react on account of being distracted – and that his name was Jake.
“Hey buddy, are you getting hard!?” her boss asked a little louder. He nodded.
“Jessica, if you give a customer a blowjob, it removes any doubt in his mind that we care a great deal about him. It creates a bond between the two of you. Would you do that to win the order?”
Jessica thought about it for a few seconds. This was going to be a great chance to join the meeting and she didn’t really believe it was going to be relevant to give blowjobs to customers, but she now had to impress her bosses.
Now, it may come as a very big surprise to the readers, but I can reveal that she did in fact get down on her knees and she started giving the janitor a blowjob.
“Getting down on your knees is such a powerful gesture – maybe that’s why men do it when they propose?” her boss pondered, while Jessica was sucking the janitors cock.
“We live in a time of liberty – it’s OK if you have sex with the men that you choose” her boss continued “it’s in your control, you don’t have to hold back for the sake of some misunderstood cultural obstacles”. Jake was thoroughly uninterested but Jessica managed to understand what her boss was talking about.
“So, for example, if you wanted to fuck a customer – or in this case, Ted, then there would be nothing to stop you from doing that – except if you don’t want to. That’s something to think about…” he said.
Jessica got the message. She got up on the table and spread her legs. Jake was easy to convince, it seems.
Jessicas dress was getting in the way, so she threw it off and jumped on Jakes cock who was now lying on the table.
She knew her bosses would not look at her the same way after today, but she also knew her career was not going anywhere before, so any change would be a chance for something positive.
She kept riding the janitors cock until she could feel it expand and then she felt the cum shooting into her.
“There, you’ll be extra thorough when you clean Jessicas office in the future, won’t you Ted?”. Jake smiled. “See” her boss said “You can win people over with this sort of thing.”
“So, am I in? Can I join the customer meeting?” Jessica wanted to know.
“Well, you can be part of the team, but actually we were not planning on inviting you to the meeting, but you’re in the team and I have another important task for you. Here’s the address of the motel where the customer is staying, why don’t you go visit him right now? You will of course overtime payment if it gets late.”
No pictures in this post either
I don’t get em either.
Diz guy should come and put up the pix na
Grinch, it does appear that whatever form you are using to link or post pictures hasn’t been working as of late. This and previous post have nothing but broken links no matter how I try to connect to the site (different locations, devices, browsers, etc.). I hope you figure this out and getting fixed soon.
Yeah, not a single picture is loading for me.
The pictures are back!
It was nice to see people actually missed them 🙂