With my Cheerleading Coach

Being a cheerleader at the highest level is competitive. Only the best are able to make it and get the prestige that comes with it. At this level there are interviews with the key players to get on the cheerleading team.

I want to tell you about one time I went with my coach to meet the point guard for the local basketball team for an interview.

We went back to the club house where the interview started.

“OK, guys, sit in the couch and we will get started”

The coach gave a long speech about the responsibilities of both players and cheerleaders and about their conduct on and off the field and so on. We listened to everything.

I was then interviewed about how I stay in shape. “I go to the gym every day for 1 hour in the morning” I explained.

“Let’s see your physical shape now” the coach said “so please take your blouse off”

I was almost happy to show that I have next to no belly fat. I am in the shape of my life.

“You understand, as you become part of the cheerleading team you are obligated to stay in shape at all times!” the coach said. I knew all about those rules.

“In comparison, notice that this is not an extreme requirement” the coach explained. “Look at the shape required of the players. They have to stay strong AND fit. Show her” the coach said to the player.

He undressed completely and I mean completely. He was sitting naked on the couch.

“Now you, show us what you got” the coach said and pointed to me.

As I took my panties down, the point guard squeezed my buttocks

“She was not exaggerating. She is in very good shape” he said.

“I know, that’s why she is here” the coach said.

The coach then went on a long rant. He said that I had to be ready to do anything needed for the team to win. Even if it meant using my girl powers, as he put it.

“Sit on the coach and show us your commitment” the coach said.

As I sat down, the player lifted my left and started guiding his cock towards my pussy.

He then pushed his cock into my pussy and started fucking me.

“Is this part of the job” I asked.

“Hypothetically, yes” the coach said. “You have to be ready for anything and this falls into that category”

That’s when I noticed the camera.

“What’s that for?” I asked while he was pumping his cock harder into my pussy.

“Documentation” said the coach “or we would have to do this session again and again, so I think it is better if we document it”

I had to agree.

“When you’re ready” the coach said to the player while he was still fucking me.

Then he pulled out and started cumming all over my face.

“Well done. We need this documented as well”.

Then they took a signing picture. “Smile” he said while the player was signing my recruitment contract.

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