This is a semi-failed experiment in AI writing and illustrations. I deem it failed because the illustrations simply do not to a believable degree look like the same person which breaks the illusion in my opinion. Anyway, perhaps someone will…
My husband loves me a lot and thinks I am the most beautiful woman in the world. He says it very often, I am almost starting to believe he is right. I like to wear conservative clothing, especially when going…
Flattery will take you far … and deep
Yo guys, you won’t believe the wild party we had last night! My wife was looking hot AF in her fave blouse and denim skirt. And get this – it was all dudes at this shindig. Talk about a sausage…
Finding the next Disney star
I had been put on a mission! Being a casting agent for Disney, I get missions some times and this one was really exciting. I was determined to do it right this time. Of course, I had to cast a…
Got married too soon
First of all, I have to tell you, I never intended for any of this to happen. I fell in love, got married and then my husband got busy with work and took a position in a remote office and…
Breast Slip
Have you heard of nipple slip? Well, how about breast slip? Well, I just have to share some photos with you. It’s too good to keep to myself. My girlfriend has a lot of positive traits and one of them…
Going Out, Having Fun
It’s a common theme among couple that when going out and having fun, the point is to get drunk and have fun, of course, and also some sexy fun. There is a reason this type of clothes exist – it’s…
Question: Did you ever find your wife or girlfriend in a compromised position while she was sleeping?
@danjahnsan_ben, 32 days ago I often find my girlfriend having been in the middle changing and then falling asleep. It happens some times when she is drunk and she is drunk a lot. — @skywalkermidget, 31 days ago My girlfriend…
Once you go black
“Once you go black, you never go back” That’s a famous saying, isn’t it. And it’s an annoying saying for some men. Yeah, some men find that saying annoying. So one day a movement started where some men started to…
Question: When your significant other makes a blatant mistake, do you some times agree on a fitting punishment?
@jake47, 43 days ago Yes, we find it is best to do something to get over these mistakes so we can all move on. It is in everyones interest in a relationship that you can close a chapter and move…