Question: Do you have a crazy beach fetish?

@nigelfarout, 11 days ago

My wife likes to get handcuffed when we go to the beach.

She likes to then lie down around the waves and seem helpless. I am not sure what she gets out of it but we’ve done it more than once.

@misspiggyride99, 11 days ago

I like that as well. My boyfriend ties me up on the beach and I just love seeing people walk by and look at me and wonder what’s going on.

@kirstenfunster, 11 days ago

Me too, although I could never do it alone. I only do it when we are going with a friend and then our boyfriends sit nearby with a drink and talk.

@drewverymuchmoore, 10 days ago

I kind of know what you’re talking about although it wouldn’t do it for me to do just like that. For me I have to be naked and helpless to get anything out of it.

I get tied up and unable to move and naked. People stop and stare and only move on when they notice my boyfriend sitting a little bit away, watching the show.

@sinfulspoonful, 10 days ago

I am trying something like that but it doesn’t actually work for me if I have to be honest. I get tied up naked and it was exciting at first, but I have to admit that I was hoping for guys to come up and fondle me. I am not sure why no one comes. Maybe it looks like a trap?

@jonh_the_dencer, 9 days ago

My wife likes that too but she found it’s far more fun to do it with a friend. So we tie them up and they just wait for people to walk by. It’s sort of an art show in a way.

@ginnyflowerpot1555, 8 days ago

For me there is only one thing I want. It has to be spread eagle on the sand, completely naked. No compromises. It’s the fresh breeze on my pussy and the sound of people walking by that is just the perfect afternoon for me.

@jimillfuckit, 7 days ago

You have some interesting games it seems. My wife is into something completely different. She just walks around the beach topless and flirts and has pictures taken with people. The sexual tension is through the roof!

Even though it’s the beach and there is no roof. It’s just an expression.

@terryblespeller, 7 days ago

My girlfriend does the same thing and part of the fun for her is if she can get them to get a little grabby. She likes to get dangerously close to getting groped.

@nudebeachbitchin, 7 days ago

We like to go to nude beaches and befriend other groups and get really close and cosy to them. For us it’s also about the sexual tension, but we like to keep it at that and just build the tension without ever releasing it.

Until we get home.

@undernehmenzwishehn, 7 days ago

My wife likes to tan without her bikini bottom on. That’s it.

@mistystoned123, 7 days ago

We live near a beach where there are people roaming the beach offering massages. My fetish is that I will accept a massage and when they are about to start, I get completely naked and see what happens.

@partypopper, 6 days ago

I do that too on vacations. Here is a picture my husband took while I was getting a lovely massage.

@dinadedjewel4, 6 days ago

We like to do that too. Well, I do. My husband is not exactly crazy about it but I reward him well later on in the evening. On vacations I pretend like it’s totally normal and standard routine for me to get naked for a massage and then the excitement is simply to wait and see how the poor beach masseur handles it.

@flirtymommabob, 6 days ago

Some of you mentioned flirting. Well I do that too and I usually end up getting fondled by several guys. The hardest is to get the first one to fondle me unprompted but once he does that and the others see that I dont stop him, then its a full-on fondle fest!

@jamiecricket, 5 days ago

For my wife, and I guess for me as well, it’s the loss of control thats a turn on. She flirts. She eventually gets naked. She lets them fondle her. And then they start to get a sense of ownership of her. That is really what turns her on I think.

@secretsecretx4, 5 days ago

My wife and I do nothing so advanced. We simply find the right time and then we have sex on the beach. Its pretty hot but of course nothing compared to all your shennanigans.

@handymcwandyman, 5 days ago

It’s similar for us. Well about the sex thing. Or not really sex. Well, for my wife she just somehow enjoys ejaculations of strangers. It makes her excited.

So she will find a couple of young guys, flirt with them and then see if she can get away with giving them a quick handjob. It works about 2 out of 3 times. The rest of the times she has to leave empty handed but that only gives her renewed energy to try again.

@babymagnettizer, 3 days ago

My wife likes to see if she can attract a group. Her game is that it must happen unprompted. So she just tans and quietly takes her clothes off and waits to see what happens.

Her favorite time that she still talks about, 3 guys came and started fondling her, licking her and cumming on her.

@prawelerpride11, 3 days ago

We do it at night when people are a bit drunk. For us the game with me and my girlfriend is that no one is supposed to know its my girlfriend. She is just this mysterious naked girl that requires everyone else who sits with her to be naked. Then I come as seemingly any other random guy to join the group.

She jacks people off and that is usually as far as it goes. Usually.

@danthemanny, 2 days ago

That seems nice and discrete. My girlfriend is the opposite. It doesnt happen too often, but she likes to participate in naughty competitions and when you visit party beaches in Europe, that is not as uncommon as you would think.

My girlfriend ALWAYS wins.

@exhibeach5, 2 days ago

I also like to lie on the beach naked and see what happens. I get flattered when people ask if they can take a picture and also when they dont ask.

@yvonnyman_expert, 1 day ago

For my girlfriend, its all about getting as much attention as she can and she found the way that she can get the most. First, flirt on the beach and be naked.

Second, have sex with several men on the beach.

Third, tell her favorite joke. “I am saving a lot of money on sunscreen” implying that cum works the same way as sunscreen.

OK, its probably inaccurate to call her my girlfriend. I dont know who this is, I just try to look out for her whenever she is on the beach so we can have some fun.

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