Cheering to win – 4/4

Kendra was a great cheerleader, but not everyone was like her. Nudity during cheers was part of the norm of cheerleaders at this point, but it had the unfortuate side-effect that the cheerleaders seemed to be more reluctant to cheer. That’s why auditions of cheerleaders had to ensure that the cheerleaders were truly ready for some public nudity.

On way was of course to make sure the audition itself contained some nudity.


However, wearing a skirt and flashing from time to time is not really enough. It’s very much different from actually cheering at a full stadium, not worrying about whether some skin is exposed.

For example, the following may seem OK for a cheerleading audition.


However, it only shows the willingness for a quick flash. In order to get a proper test of this girl’s willingness or reluctance to show some skin during a cheer, we need a more extreme pose.

Maybe this picture will make it more clear. This is a pretty normal cheerleading pose, but when not wearing underwear, some cheerleaders are reluctant to do this cheer.


In the case above, the girl showed willingness to expose herself at the audition. Even at her first couple of performances, she showed no signs of being shy in any way.

However, after a few weeks, she started being more reluctant and lost a little zest. She started doing more conservative cheers. A couple of other teams found a way around this: They simply removed the skirt from the cheerleading uniform.


One team even experimented with introducing an inserted dildo as part of their uniform – however good an idea it was, it did seem to hamper the cheerleaders movement.


In response to that, severeal teams came up with the idea that would provide the absolutely highest freedom of movement.


Thus the saga of how it ended up as it is now, where cheerleaders are fully or partially nude while cheering.

While that has become socially acceptable, the public is not aware of what goes on when the game is not on. It’s something that cheerleaders are not talking about and that they have succeeded to not disclose to the public. However, , that may very well change in the future.

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