More daring – Chapter 2

The next Friday, I got a reply back from my boss.

Dear Cherry (that’s me)

Thankyou for your contribution to the calendar. I can certainly use the picture in the calendar, so you can look forward to that.

However, one of the other girls sent in a picture that was just as daring as yours, so unfortunately you won’t be paid to be in the calendar.

If you wish, you can make another submission … ?

See you back here behind the bar in around 3 months.

Thanks again,


Damn it!! Who did that!? Well, there was no way for me to find out, but I now realized I had been naive to think that none of the others would have the guts to have some pictures taken at the beach.

Well, I knew what to do – I was sure to win, because I’m simply more liberated than the other girls – I would also be the only one that was not shy to give body tequila’s to the guests …

I called my friend the photographer again – this time with a plan that would surely win me the main spot in the calendar.

This time I wanted to go topless – so I decided it would be best to do it from my friend’s studio.


“Are you ready?” I asked my friend with the camera while holding my strap out, ready to let it go. He was ready. “OK, let’s see” he said cryptically.

I let the strap drop and eased my bra off. Click. I had just had my first topless picture taken and it was going to be in calendar that people can buy. I realized that fully now – that even if I somehow didn’t win from this, my boss would obviously still put the picture in the calendar.


And what a picture. I was really happy with the outcome, but nervous about the result. I tried to think rationally – that none of the other girls would dare to so, so there was no reason for me to be nervous. Rather, I was excited about being in the calendar – winning and getting paid quite a big amount of money to be in it, would not be … skanky – that would be like a kick start of a modeling career. That would just be cool.

I mailed the picture to my boss, who didn’t respond right away – I figured that was probably a good thing …

3,767 thoughts on “More daring – Chapter 2”

  1. Can’t wait to see her in the third part.

    How are things in the land of Eroslavia, Grinch? The site seems like it’s down.

    I hope they didn’t lose that war.

  2. Well, Eroslavia is doing fine, but I guess there is another censorship campaign from the royal court. It will come up on at some point … but not sure about new posts though …

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