On the occasion of the Super Bowl, let me share some secrets with you. No, I’m not the head coach of New York Giants or anything. I’m just the coach of a small college team, but I have some fresh new ideas and I have managed to triple the motivation of some of my players. They have the talent – some times they just need more motivation.
Let me start explaining this, by introducing you to Sheila. She’s enrolled in the college where I coach football and she’s one of the many fans of the club.
When I explained to her that I had some ideas to increase motivation of the players, she was very enthusiastic to help. The football players are ambassadors for the entire college and we all need to work together to help them in any way possible.
What I asked of her, was not exactly to have her help with conventional motivational therapy or anything like that. She wouldn’t know how to do it anyway. Instead the plan was to use the motivation that has driven men to write poetry and fly to the moon. Illustrated on the picture below.
We simply put Sheila at the end of the field, which motivated the offensive team to try the best they can, so they end up in the touchdown zone, where Sheila is waiting for them.
Let me tell you – it works. They are motivated. But Sheila also takes a more active part in the training than that, which helps the defensive players as well. She’s quite quick on her feet and proposed a training session where she is the one with the ball, and the defense tries to catch HER. It’s motivating to catch a hot cute girl like Sheila, instead of some big bloke.
Of course, a side effect of this is, that WHEN Sheila get’s caught, the players are some times distracted from the training session and engages in other activity.
Although the motivation is there, I must admit, that it’s a problem, that the guys stay focused on what motivated them, that’s Sheila, instead of staying focused on the game. At this point, I regarded the experiment a partial success. I had accomplished what I wanted, but at a cost. The motivation was a distraction as well. The two cancel each other out.
That’s why we have begun to award Sheila to the best player of each game. But they have to wait until AFTER the game. That way we keep the players focused throughout the entire game, because they strive to become the best player of the game.
Sheila was a bit reluctant at first about the idea. Especially because she has no way of controlling who it is that wins. But she understood that she has to do her part and now that she’s consented to help her team, it would not be loyal to back out now, just because the conditions have changed a bit. We all have to do a little extra. I some times stay up late and work on tactics, so I know what it’s like to give a little extra for the team.
In order to not cause disunity in the team, we some times have to name two or more players as the best players of the game. This, however, have some consequences for Sheila after each game.
People can become accustomed to almost anything and Sheila is no exception. She knows that she has to stay loyal now. The players are working hard to win, and must she. She also knows that disloyalty to the football team would be a sure way for her to get her expelled from college.
So she keeps on servicing the players after each game. Some times 3 players are awarded “The best player of the game”. After the team won a small tournament, they all celebrated by fucking Sheila, their little cum bucket. Sheila wasn’t very quick on her feet that next day.
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