Porn With My Boyfriend

We had a bit of bad luck and a bad investment and my boyfriend and I found ourselves with no savings and some big bills coming up.

We talked about different options for making some cash before the end of the month but all of them involved getting a job and it’s not like we haven’t tried that already.

“Remember Josh” my boyfriend then said. I did remember Josh. It was a guy that my boyfriend had studied with and he had one time mentioned to me that I could have a great career in porn. I was offended and made sure we never hung out with Josh after that.

“What about him?” I asked.

“Well, he had a suggestion” my boyfriend said. “Yes, I know, but I’m not doing that”.

“Hear me out” my boyfriend said. “He says they have a deal where we can get 600 dollars for 2 hours work and we would have sex with each other”

“Forget it”

The next day I was thinking about ways to make the money we needed and I couldn’t help but think about this opportunity my boyfriend had mentioned. Having sex with each other is what we do anyway. OK, so they film it, but it’s not a depravity. He is my boyfriend.

“So, how would it work?” I asked my boyfriend, referring to the suggestion he made yesterday. “And I’m not saying I will do it, but just curious”.

“Well, first you have to submit a photo. We don’t have to decide yet. You can just submit a photo and then they might offer the job to us and we can decide then”.

I thought about it for a while.

“OK” I said and posed, ready for him to take a photo.

He took a photo but then said “OK, cool, but Josh said they’d need an underwear shot. It’s porn after all”. That makes sense. Coincidentally I was wearing underwear that would be fine for pictures.

I slipped the dress off and my boyfriend took some photos.

“Good, I’ll send these to Josh”.

“Ha, maybe that’s what he wanted all along” I said. That would be funny, sort of, if this was just some elaborate scam to get me to send him underwear photos. But I knew that Josh worked with people in porn so this was just a joke. There was no doubt that this offer was for real.

The next day I asked if my boyfriend had heard anything back. He hadn’t. He didn’t hear anything back the next day either. I was almost excited when he finally said he heard back and said they were still interested. I didn’t know if I wanted to do it, but I certainly didn’t want to get rejected.

“Josh says they are interested but the photos were insufficient. He is asking if he can come by and take some new ones” my boyfriend explained.

“What, now?”

My boyfriend explained that Josh could either come now or next week, but if we waited too long we wouldn’t even get the money when we needed it, so if we still wanted to explore this avenue, we should have him come over now.

When Josh came, he also brought along some lingerie. “They want some photos in this stuff” he said and handed it to me. I went to the bathroom and put it on. I looked in the mirror. It was pretty regular lingerie, but of course quite revealing. That’s normal. What’s not normal is taking photos of it and sending it to strangers.

But I had to just acknowledge with myself that I was seriously considering doing porn, so being shy about some lingerie didn’t really make sense.

Josh took some pictures and also guided me so he could take pictures from different angles and positions.

“And …” Josh said and paused a bit. He knew probably knew was new to all this. “We need to see if you have an innie or an outie or something else.”

I knew what he meant. “I think it’s an innie” I said. I slowly lowered my panties and let him look. He the snapped a photo and looked beyond the camera. “Yes, you are right. Good for you. There is literally hundreds times more demand for that”.

I laughed. “Well, we don’t need hundred times more demand. This is a one-time thing, OK?”

“Sure” he said.

“Actually I am not even sure we want to do it” I said. I just remembered we hadn’t decided but I guess subconsciously I had actually decided to do it. Why else would I agree to these photoshoots and even showing Josh my pussy.

That same evening I told my boyfriend. “OK, we can do it. It solves all our money problems now. But it’s just this once. For next month we have to come up with something else!”. My boyfriend agreed and he texted Josh. Josh sent us the contract and we both read through it thoroughly. It looked OK.

The only thing he highlighted was that there was a fee to cancel the contract. My boyfriend called him and got the explanation. Apparently some first-timers back out on the day and then they have already booked the studio, set up the equipment, they have to pay the staff and so on, so that cost is then transferred to the performer who cancels on short notice.

It made me think one extra time because I knew I could not easily back out after I signed. However, we literally had no other ideas on how to get the money, so we both signed and sent it back to Josh.

Two days later we arrived on the set. I was pretty unimpressed with the so-called set. It was just a regular house probably rented on Airbnb. Anyway, they showed us to the couch and then they put up the lights and cameras and told us to get started. Not a lot of instructions. They gave us each a drink and we sat and had that for a while and did some small-talk.

My boyfriend tried to get us started. He was kissing me. I couldn’t help but look at the camera.

“Oh sorry, I looked at the camera again” I said. The director said that it was fine. Its not a big problem if you look in the camera. You can look some times and look away some times so we get some variety. People won’t be looking in your face much.

My boyfriend stood me up and pulled my shirt over my head. Oh my, this is really happening.

Then he took my bra off and I was topless. The camera was rolling and a photographer was taking pictures as well. This marked the first time anyone else than my boyfriend (at the time) has seen my breasts. I don’t even go topless to the beach.

I was busy understanding what to do, trying not to look too much at the camera. I was certainly not sexually aroused in any way. Way too stressful.

However, the same could not be said for my boyfriend. He was clearly aroused. When I whipped his cock out and guided it to my mouth, it was already erect.

I tried to do it the way I thought I was supposed to as a pornstar, but the director corrected me. Just focus on the cock, don’t think about how you do it or how you sound or how you look. It’s about you and the cock.

Suddenly the door opened and Josh walked in. “Hey, that’s my girlfriend he said” he said. Yes, he actually said “he said”, that’s how low production value this movie had.

I almost said “No it isn’t” but then I didn’t. I realized this was part of the “story” in this scene. I was surprised they hadn’t shared the story with me. I didn’t even know there was going to be a story.

He continued his act. “But don’t let me interrupt. There enough cocksucker for everyone here”.

Josh took his cock out in front of me and I completely froze. For awkwardly long. Like 10 seconds. The director then yelled “Cuuut” and went to and started asking what was wrong. I said I was just going to have sex with my boyfriend, not with Josh.

“Is this true?” the director asked. “Are you backing out of the deal?”

There was something about the way he worded that. Clearly this would lead to the shoot getting cancelled and we would be contractually bound to pay the expenses. So I said “No”. “Then suck it” he said.

I took a deep breath and then as if jumping into the water from the highest platform, I took a leap to his cock and put it in my mouth. “Not now you idiot” the director said. “When the scene resumes”.

“Where do you get these idiots” the director mumbled under his breath.

“Aaaand … action”

With that I put Joshs cock in my mouth and started sucking it until both of them were hard.

I thought to myself that at least I would only be having actual sex with my boyfriend.

My boyfriend slipped my panties off and he got on the couch. I then sat on him and guided his cock to my pussy as we had done so many times before at home. This time the only difference was it was on-camera.

And another difference was that Josh was circling around with his cock, putting it in my mouth.

Instinctively I looked at the camera as I sucked Joshs cock. I guess I wanted to be sure they were catching this action so at least it wouldn’t be for nothing.

Josh was slowing down a bit and suddenly the director yelled “Cut”!

I thought we were going to finish having sex and that was it. But apparently in porn its not done like that. They take breaks. Thats what the fluffer is for. Some young girl hung around played with Joshs and my boyfriends balls to maintain their erection while we were having some drinks and ensuring we could last longer. The longer we could last, the more quality material they could produce, the guy with the camera explained to me.

In the meantime he took some pictures of me naked on the couch. B-roll he said. I bet he imagined that he was shooting real movies and not porn. Maybe this was a stepping stone for him.

Having just had sex with my boyfriend on camera, I was strangely comfortable sitting with my legs spread and my pussy on display to the camera.

When the director yelled “Action” again, to my surprise, Josh was taking the opportunity to guide his cock towards my pussy. I was being almost inactive, not sure what to do. I looked up at my boyfriend, sort of asking “Is this OK or what?”

I didn’t want to cause an interruption and risk the director to cancel the shoot. I had a feeling he was a wild cannon and could all of a sudden say he had enough.

We switched positions and again Josh lined up behind me and started putting his cock in my pussy in doggy style.

I was not worried about a creampie from my boyfriend but from Josh that would truly be humiliating for me. If at least Josh was a nice guy, but I knew he was a big jerk.

Suddenly I got an idea.

“Give me that cock, I want your cock right now” I said and turned around, grabbed Joshs cock and started sucking it really fast and jacking it off. I was gonna make him cum right now.

And it worked! He came straight in my face and on my boobs!

I managed to prevent him from cumming inside me and maintain controle. I may have had my first porn experience today, but at least I kept my dignity.

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