I was at the doctor with my husband for a gynaecology exam. I like to have the support of my husband for these things, but it was only after we were already there that I started wondering if this was going to be an awkward situation, both for me but also for my husband, so see his wife be probed ‘down there’.

For me it is not awkward though. I have done it before many times and you just have to follow the instructions of the doctor – and there are not a lot of instructions. The doctor takes care of most of it.
I had already changed and was wearing nothing but the hospital gown as the nurse instructed me.
When the doctor came in, he greeted us and then asked me to lie back and put my legs up.
“First a short manual investigation”, he said.

Meanwhile, my husband was uneasy in his seat. “Is that really necessary?” he asked.
“Donald!” I said and reminded him to let the doctor do his work.
Then the doctor got one of those wooden sticks and my husband again talked. “Where are you going to put that?” he asked

“Donald” I said again in the same tone, implicitly reminding him to let the doctor work. “Excuse me sir, but this is going to take a long time if I have to explain every detail to you along the way”

“Donald, would you mind waiting outside?” I asked him.
We had a short exchange, I re-assured him I was happy he was there, but that we should let the doctor work now.
We kept talking as he was leaving.
“Honey, would you mind closing the door, though, I’m kind of exposed here”
We all chuckled and then he left and we could finally continue with the doctor.

The doctor lifted my gown further up. “Let me just get some working space here”. He lifted it up to expose my breasts. I didn’t give it any thought at all. That’s where I am different from my husband. I trust and respect the doctors. We put our lives and trust in their hands. That’s the nature of a doctor and patient relationship.
And so he continued his routine.

We had a short talk about that it was probably better that my husband waited outside and the doctor did say that he needed to “get back to it” as he put it, probably his good bed side mannered way of saying he had been somewhat annoyed about all the questions.
Now after that whole talk and all the commotion, it was just in time because next thing, the doctor took his penis out.

Now, had we not just had that talk about respecting doctors and letting them do their job and trust them – I might have asked questions myself about why the doctor would need to take his cock out.
And I would have asked follow-up questions when he inserted said penis into my pussy and started thrusting.

“Yup, everything seems to be in order” he said as he continued fucking me.
“Actually, it was good your husband did not stay for this part because husbands some times have a hard time understanding what is necessary to do as a doctor”.
I was very surprised at this. He was really just fucking me.

And I could feel him cumming in me now.
I wondered about the practicalities of this. I mean, if he has a new client every 30 minutes, how can he even do this. It didn’t make much sense. But OK, becoming a doctor takes about a decade so who am I to question him.
He pulled out and some cum came out as well.
“Done” he said.

“OK, you will need to take this pill in the morning” he said and gave me a little pill. It was unmarked, but I recognized the shape and color. It was a “morning after pill” preventing pregnancy.
“And you should not be wearing any underwear for the next two days” he then said.
He told me to get dressed, wrote a bit on his computer and then he shook my hand and told me to sign out at the reception.
When I came out and saw my husband waiting, I decided I was not going to share the details of this procedure with him. He wouldn’t understand.
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Сделать ваш проект в идеальное состояние и вытолкнуть его в топ – наша работа. Наши топовые мастера проведем аналитику ресурс, наладим работу и уже через пару недель сайт начнет двигаться в топ, рост клиентов, который можно увидеть не вооруженным взглядом. Наберите нам, и вы не разочаруетесь.[url=https://seodebug.ru]
Surprised you haven’t done a story about someone getting Facebook poked
Ηellо аll, guyѕ! Ι knоw, my mesѕаge maу be toо ѕpеcific,
But my ѕіѕtеr found nicе mаn here аnd they marrіed, sо hоw abоut mе?! 🙂
Ι am 24 yeаrs old, Αlеna, from Rоmаnіa, I knоw Εnglіѕh аnd Gеrmаn languagеs alsо
Αnd… Ι have sреcіfіс diѕеase, namеd nymphоmаniа. Ԝhо know what іs this, саn understаnd me (bеttеr to say it іmmediаtеly)
Ah yеs, Ι соok verу tаsty! аnd Ι lоve not onlу cоok ;))
Ιm real girl, nоt рrоstitutе, аnd loоkіng for ѕеrіous аnd hоt relаtіоnship…
Αnywаy, yоu cаn find my profіle here: http://colacxita.ml/user/5199/