“Yes, OK, but tell me what it’s all about!” Hailey said. She had been approached on the street and asked to participate in a social experiment and that she would be compensated for it, but hadn’t been told more than that.
“Well, the social experiment is an experiment to see how people react in an unusual situation” the director explained “for example, would you help a poor person if he was blind and no one else was looking?”
Hailey let the question go unanswered until the director answered it himself.
“Maybe you would, maybe you wouldn’t – but that’s the sort of thing we would want to find out”.
Hailey was curious but skeptic at this point. “So what will happen exactly?” she asked.
“Ha ha” the director laughed “If we knew that, there would be no point in going through with the experiment.”
Hailey laughed along at her own silliness.
“So we know this much” the director said “you will be completely safe through the entire time, we will monitor you from a distance just to make sure. We will tie you to a park bench and then see how people react to this. You are not allowed to speak because it would interfere with the experiment.”
Hailey nodded hesitantly.
“And of course, we’ll pay you $200 for your troubles” the director continued.
“Hmm, sure, sounds interesting” she said, all things considered.
And that’s how Hailey ended up tied to a park bench.
The way she was tied up wasn’t exactly as she expected. She becamse a bit conscious about her short’ish skirt, but was happy to know her thick cotton panties left everything to the imagination.
After about 5 minutes where nothing had happened, someone came up to Hailey. She recognized that it was one of the crew of the experiment.
She started fidgeting with her underwear, lifted her skirt up and pulled the underwear down.
Hailey instinctively said “hey!”, for a moment forgetting that she wasn’t supposed to speak at all.
The staff member from the experiment put her hand over Haileys mouth and she remembered to stay quiet.
Now with her panties off and her blouse pulled down for good measure, as well as a blindfold and clamps on her breasts. The experiment was indeed ready to begin. Who would sympathize, who would ignore her and what else would people do in this situation.
Mostly the experiment showed what the staff had expected. People walking by, having a confused look and then carrying on with their day.
Hailey was feeling vulnerable but also knew that she had a very clear deal with the director that they would keep her safe at all times.
After 20 minutes of people just passing by, one of the people came up close to Hailey. He didn’t look much at her in terms of understanding her situation. Instead he went straight to her ass and slapped it gently.
Hailey felt a finger being inserted into her pussy, opening it up. Hailey was shocked and was expecting the staff to interfere any moment. When it didn’t happen, she thought about whether she was in fact currently safe. She realized it was a quite relative term, that from most perspectives she could probably be considered quite safe still.
Meanwhile, the man kept fingering her and she broke a rule a little bit, because she moaned a bit, but she figured it probably didn’t count as saying anything.
Then she felt something that seemed like it might have been two or three fingers.
Hailey soon realized what was going on when she heard the grunts of the dude now fucking her. While he was pushing his cock further and further into her, she was wondering how many people were looking at her right now.
While blindfolded, she didn’t know that the part was actually still largely empty, just the occassional stranger passing by, wondering why these people don’t get a room.
Well, that’s not completely true. At one point a dude got curious and went up close and started filming the whole she-bang.
The dude kept fucking her, he didn’t let himself get distracted. Apparently he had decided that there was such a thing as a free lunch and he was gonna have it.
The researchers were sitting at a safe distance making notes about their discovery. The experiment had become interesting. For Hailey too, it was interesting – well, interesting might not be the right word, but it was certainly not what she had expected.
The dude started speeding up and now fucked her as fast as he could. Hailey, still fixated to the bench, could hardly move. Her pussy was in the perfect height for the dude to just go on fucking her. He buried his cock deep in her, forcing to give off an involuntary moan as he hit her bottom.
He kept it there for a moment, before he continued and couldn’t prevent the inevitable any longer. He started pumping his sperm into her, one pump at a time until he was pumped dry. He let it hang out in there for another minute before he carefully pulled it out, wiped his dick in her panties and got on his way.
This left Hailey quite exposed, alone on the bench, now with cum dripping down from pussy on her thighs.
The researchers learnt several things from this. About the man fucking Hailey, about the guy filming, even about the people passing by.
Hailey herself was the object and not the subject of the experimentation, but they learnt something about her too. She was not smart enough to ask to get paid upfront.
Fun story, and “the whole she-bang” made me LOL.