Braless and Casual Nudity

A lot of posts on the forum is about their wives and girlfriends going braless. We have had so much content we haven’t had space for it yet, but here is a post with women going braless and also some more casual nudity near the end of the post.

Here is one such photo we haven’t found space for before.

Going braless is nothing special, many celebrities even do it on the red carpet, but what makes it fun is when it happens at unexpected times.

For example in this case where a girlfriend wore a fun blouse when going to a restaurant and went braless. Quite sexy.

Here is a similar one where this wife definitely knows what she’s doing.

Of course, some times what happens is that it looks a little different at home in a dark dressing room. Not sure if that’s what happened here.

“My wife likes to go braless on vacations. It’s just meant as taking a vacation from everything, not only work, but from all constraints from daily life”.

“My wife and I were getting ready for a company party and we rushed out of the door. Only after we had already arrived did I get a proper look at her.

I didn’t say anything. I don’t think it would do any of us any good”

Here is a wife that likes to surprise her husband for his birthday with a little treat.

My wife will regularly walk around bottomless at home. Here she is casually trying to take attention away from the game. Unsuccessfully I might add.

“My girlfriend doesn’t think that this sweatshirt is appropriate to wear as a dress. I disagree, but to settle the dispute, she wore it for me and I took a picture so we could look at it together.

We still disagree”.

Another wife agrees that a sweatshirt is fine to wear as a dress.

“My wife (left) regularly wears just her sweatshirt or blouse to the beach. It’s easier than letting the sand get in everywhere”.

“Many women go topless on the beach. That’s not uncommon at all, depending on the beach. However, my wife and her friend are different.

They like to go bottomless. It minimizes the tanlines, they say.”

Here is another wife who likes to wear something simple and easy after they go swimming at the lake.

Here is a girlfriend who likes to wear a short dress to the beach.

My wife likes to wear shirts or short dresses at home without underwear. She doesn’t like me taking pictures though, but she didn’t seem to mind me taking pictures that she doesn’t notice.

“My girlfriend likes to feel sexy when we host a home party and she wears just one piece of clothing.”

“During the evening it’s fun to catch her at just the right time while she is changing position or otherwise sitting down and letting herself relax”.

“My girlfriend frequently wears a shirt as if it’s a dress and it works out mostly, except when playing table tennis or twister and so on”

“My wife started wearing shorter dresses on my encouragement and now this has become normal for her”

Casual sex

One thing is casual nudity, but something else is casual sex. It is similar and related but still quite different.

“My wife is well-known among my friends to allow some casual sexual contact. She doesn’t often initiate it but she also doesn’t stop it.

Perhaps for that reason, it’s popular among my male colleagues when I invite them to our house for movie night”

“She even continues discussing the movie while they’re fondling her breasts”

“Of course, there is no pretending that this is not a sexual activity and it would also be sort of strange to ignore that. She doesn’t mind following through and giving a quick handjob while watching the movie”

“My wife has a similar arrangement at her work. I notice it some times when I visit her at work, that they have a very casual approach to some office RnR. Here she is in her office.”

“Her colleagues take some liberties with her when they feel like it. It’s simply casual. It’s not an office romance because there is nothing romantic about it”

“Some times it interferes with her work – in the sense that her papers might have been organized on her table and because of this habit in her office, she will have to redo that work.

However, it should be mentioned, although it is her boss doing this, it is fully consensual. Of course it would be a problem if he somehow made her do it against her will, even indirectly”

“He did take some photos of her and also said he would fire her unless she agreed to his terms, but these are of course fair game for him, seeing that he is the boss. It’s totally consensual for her whether she wants to agree to those terms”

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