Origin of Upskirt

It’s not wonder that “upskirt” was one of the first categories of internet porn and still going strong. It’s a popular theme and that is for one particular reason. It’s real!

Here to illustrate, a random photo from the forums.

By some estimates, 60% of women regularly do not wear panties when they go out. Think about it, how often do you see a woman’s panties while you are out in public? Practically never.

So women have that liberty and that’s great, but some times they also have some accidents. For example, this girl learned one of the most popular and most useless rules of thumb. Keep your knees together.

Most women wear a reasonably long dress, but from the right angle and with the right level of inebriation, this moment comes.

One of the typical situations this happens is while sleeping because it can happen that clothes move around during sleep. Like in this photo of a woman sleeping on a plane. Unfortunately her skirt moved up somewhat while moving around the seat in her sleep.

Here is a different but similar example of a woman on the beach relaxing and the wind moving her dress somewhat.

Here is a girl reading a book – and look at her dress. It’s really quite short! This was bound to happen, but she doesn’t really think about it that way. Her husband gave her compliments for her short dress and she liked that and wore them more. That’s how it goes.

While we prepare for the next sub category, here is another photo of a woman not wearing panties. Why not.

Hanging around at home is one of those places where girls feel safe and comfy – even if friends come over. When my girlfriend had just been in the bath and walked around in a towel, our friends knocked and we let them in. She started socializing and serving drinks for them and stayed in just that towel the whole evening.

Here is a casual home photo showing another woman not wearing panties.

Another home photo that was interesting to include.

Here, also at home, is a wife enjoying her favorite TV show.

Of course, one thing is checking the mirror when standing up, but then when sitting down, everything changes.

The beach is a popular place to see this sort of occurrence. The reason being of course you have to change clothes to get out of wet clothes or clothes with sand and might end up with less clothes left than you had planned. Well, you just have to make do. In this case, it was a long trip home in the train for her.

Here is another beach situation that ended in approximately the same way.

Girls are somehow complimented when wearing short skirts or dresses. That optimizes the chance of something like this happening.

In this case the dress was quite short and it would ride up a little while she walked. What a sight.

But the BIG one is probably alcohol. It’s the one substance you can control and you can also CHOOSE to let go of control and get really drunk. It’s your choice.

Here is a woman letting herself go just a bit. Just enough to excuse herself from being fondled a bit.

And here’s a drunk woman at a home party, and as you can see, she is well aware she is wearing a short dress and no underwear. Having fun with it!

Here is another girl, she got so drunk she actually passed out. But let’s examine the situation a bit. She knew she was wearing a short skirt. She knew she was not wearing underwear. She knew she was drinking too much. She knew she could pass out from that. All of this was intended on her part.

Here is a girl who also got drunk and fell asleep at a home party. She fell asleep right in the middle of the party on the couch and likely knew that the other party guests would fondle her a bit. Perhaps that was her plan all along.

This girl got drunk while she wore a long sweatshirt which kept her pretty decent. Someone played a fun prank on her after she passed out and hiked it up a bit. Provided for some nice entertainment for those present.

This girl had chosen to get undressed when she knew she was about to pass out. After choosing to drink that much, everything afterwards was fully predictably. Even the fact that it would be likely that someone would accept the temptation she laid out and actually fuck her. As you can see, if you look closely, someone took her up on her offer.

Here is yet another similar situation, although in this case, the photographer was a bit more timely.

And that was the story of girls and women having fun while not wearing panties and while drinking.

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