Wow, thanks people – I received so many qualified pictures that I have decided to have 6 nominees separated into 2 voting rounds of 3 pics each. The two winners will then go head to head – or pussy to pussy as it were.
New submissions are still accepted at!
Contestant 1
Does this picture qualify? I met her at a concert, this is from my motel room where I stayed overnight for the concert. I didnt see her again after that day. She wasnt much stoned when this picture was taken.
A nice submission, thanks. And yes, that is exactly the kind of picture that qualifies for this contest.
I hope you sent her off with a little guidance about hair styles. Although I do like her intimate hair style.
Contestant 2
Dear Mr. Grinch,My wife agreed to submit one of the pictures from our personal archive to your contest. If we win, she is going to spend the winnings on a day at the beauty parlour.
Thanks a lot. If she wins, I do hope they help her tidy up her hairstyle a bit.
Contestant 3
Hey, this is my fuck buddy through the last 5 years. We take pictures some times and then we enjoy looking over them together later. Then we always delete them. Some times copies are left on the camera.
What a nice picture. I wish I knew what’s going on, on this picture. What is she looking at? I asked the contestant, but he didn’t reply back yet.
1 and 3 were close.
You have done well and well my friend., just keep it up and i will support you. i am your number 1 fan. I will introduce your page to my friends.
I’ve been using a computer for a long time and I just saw this today. it’s very beautiful. I didn’t think there was anything like this.