I love my girlfriend. We have a lot of fun together and we appreciate each other but we do not have that many shared interests. We like a lot of different things. She likes to watch TV all day long and I like to play computer games. It’s similar but it’s different.
She is working in a shop and work as an accountant. Not the most exciting jobs, but we make a decent wage and live well. We go out and have fun maybe twice a week. And we both like going out but we like different things about it.
My girlfriend likes to dance. I don’t like it that much but of course I will do it because she likes it. I like to sit and drink and talk and I don’t want it to be too loud because then we cannot hear each other. So yeah, we both like going out but in different ways.
One night my girlfriend had asked me so many times to go dancing and I had declined so many times that she was starting to get a little agitated with me. I kept drinking more and almost started having fun with it. She said if I didn’t want to go, she would just go to the dance floor on her own and see if someone else wanted to dance.
I figured she was bluffing and she probably was bluffing, but I called her bluff and she didn’t want to lose face, so she went anyway.

There wasn’t a lot of girls here tonight so she immediately got some attention from people standing around, drinking, maybe trying to chat her up.
I sat back in the couch where we had been sitting together and got comfortable. At one point I awoke, having been unaware that I was sleeping. It must have been the alcohol.
When I looked up I saw more guys had joined my girlfriend on the dance floor.

I was still half asleep but trying to see what was going on. She looked mighty alone up there but I knew she was able to handle herself and say no if anyone did something she didn’t want.
So instead of going up there I decided to sit back and wait to see what happened.
Just to not interfere with this experiment, I decided to sit back and pretend I was still sleeping. But I was peeking out from under my cap, squinting my eyes, and able to see what was going on.

I noticed the guy that she was dancing with – or that was dancing near her – was blatantly fondling her butt on her short skirt.
I noticed him looking in my direction briefly, seeing that I was still asleep. My girlfriend was dancing and having fun and apparently didn’t mind the groping. It even looked like she enjoyed it.
He brought her a drink and challenged her to finish it and then another guy brought her a shot to celebrate. She finished the shot and accepted another drink to “flush it down”.
I knew her well enough to know that she can hold her liquor. It makes her have fun but it does not make her lose control.
More people joined the dance floor and for a while I couldn’t see her. I thought about changing my position to get a better view but decided I didn’t want to ruin the experiment.
When a big guy finally moved away from my line of sight I almost broke my “cover” of sleeping when I saw that a couple of guys were fondling her tits and pussy over her panties.

The music changed to a wilder tune and they started dancing around, turning her between each other, passing her around between them.
Each time they were groping her everywhere and I could see that her skirt rode up, her panties were pulled all the way to the side and her top was pulled down so her small tits were just hanging free.
I was still pretending to sleep and couldn’t properly see some commotion. When it cleared up I could see what was going on. Incredibly, she was giving some guy a blowjob. I couldn’t see it properly, but it looked the guy behind her was rubbing up against her … or was he … fucking her?

They were still peeking in my direction and I decided to keep up my charade.
Now I was pretty sure that he was indeed fucking her because it looked like they were taking turns. He left all of a sudden and another guy took his place behind her and rubbed up against her.
Yeah, now I was sure he was fucking her. I looked at my girlfriend and she seemed to enjoy it and was not out of it or anything, so I continued “sleeping”.

Now all pretence of just dancing had gone away. She got down on a table or something on her back and a guy was fucking her clearly in the middle of this bar.
It’s not as if anyone didnt already know what was going on but at least they could pretend they didnt. Now it was way too obvious.

A couple of new guys came in and went straight towards her. I was guessing from the way they went that someone had called them.

I was curious where this was going and apparently this was pretty much it.
The last few guys finished and then left her there. She got up and went to the toilet. When she came out it looked like she had washed up a bit. She came to the couch and touched my shoulder.
“I’m tired, let’s go home” she said.