My agent had discovered me on a supermarket parking lot, quite literally through honking his horn and whistling at me. I said “Thanks” back and he stepped out of his car. He told me all sorts of compliments about my body. It would normally be inappropriate but he somehow got away with it. He told me he was starting a new model agency and that I was exactly what he was looking for.
I didn’t think it was for me, but long story short, I gave him my number back then and now, 3 months later, he called me, saying he finally started the agency and whether I wanted to come for a photoshoot. He promised it would be free for me because I was his first model and I just couldn’t say no to that. Who says no to free stuff.
That’s how I came to be in his studio – and by studio I mean as in a small studio apartment. I was posing for the camera and feeling just great about it.
Our deal was quite good for me. He would do the photoshoot for free and try to sell the pictures to a magazine. If he succeeded, he would give me half of the profits. If he failed, I would not have to pay him anything for his efforts. I could only win on this.
He instructed me like a pro. I could tell he was a bit nervous, it was his first time too, of course, but he did quite well regardless.
We had agreed there would be no nudity, but he brought up the topic again during the photoshoot. He explained that it should be possible for him to sell the pictures without nudity, but that it would just be more likely to succeed with a little nudity. He asked me whether I was absolutely sure I would never accept any nudity if it meant earning a lot of money. Of course, who is sure about anything these days, so I had to say that I couldn’t be sure. He then argued that, just to be sure, he should take some pictures with nudity now and then we could always talk about it later whether he should use the pictures or not. He argued that with both of us there, it was most convenient to take the pictures now, rather than coming back another day and set up a new photosession.
After assuring and re-assuring me that he would only use the nude pictures with my express permission, I agreed to have him take a few nude photos. I took my bra off and it felt really weird. I had only ever shown my breasts to my boyfriend and now I was showing them to this stranger. Well, he was a professional, if struggling, so it’s a different thing I guess.
He asked me about what price I would ask to include the nude pictures when he was going to sell them. He told he would expect $6000 dollars would be possible, as opposed to $3000 without the nude pictures.
I said that if he got an offer of $6000 he should let me know and I would let him now at that time. I was still not sure I wanted my bare tits in some magazine.
With the possibility of that kind of money, I agreed to let him take some pictures of me while I was completely nude. I still wanted to sell JUST the pictures without nudity, but he had a point when he said that it would be more convenient to take them now. I could always change my mind later, but if I went home without these pictures being taken, it would be really difficult to change my mind about that.
After the photoshoot I went home and waited by the telephone, hoping to hear that the pictures had been sold – and I was also excited to hear if someone offered $6000 for the nude pictures, although I was still not sure whether I would go for it. $3000 is also a lot of money.
…but the call never came.
He called after a couple of weeks but not with the type of good news I was hoping for. He called to tell me he would not be able to sell the pictures. He said he had good news and bad news. The good news is, he underestimated what pictures like that go for. They sell for up to $20000. The bad news is, the competition to sell pictures is far fiercer than he had imagined.
However, he told me he had an idea and asked me to meet him at a hotel pool nearby where I live. I was curious to hear what he had in mind, so I showed up.
When I arrived, he and a camera man was the only ones there. And I do mean the ONLY ones, not even hotel staff was present. He handed me a ball and asked me whether I would pose for the camera in this setting. It could make a huge difference – he had discovered that photoshoots with outdoor shots would be far more sellable.
He told me to drop my bikini panties and play some ball with him. Meanwhile, the camera man was taking pictures.
He told me to push him on the sunbed and lean forward while doing so. Not wearing underwear I knew very well what kind of shot he was going for and played along. I was going to give him every opportunity to sell these pictures.
At this point, I thought I knew his plan was to create better pictures in an outdoor setting, but I was surprised to learn that he had more planned than that. All of a sudden, while I was leaning over him on the sunbed, he had taken his cock out.
I walked away two steps and looked at him, waiting for an explanation. He explained that he hoped I would do a little hardcore scene with him. He would probably not need to use the footage from that scene but, as before, it would be better to get it recorded now, than simply not being able to make the sale. Also, many buyers prefer to see the model is committed, even if they are not allowed to see those pictures.
I had nothing to lose, everything to win. I would be ok with some buyer seeing my pictures and if I got the right offer, who knows, maybe I would even accept it! I decided to go for it, optimize my chances.
With that, I was happy to know that I had done everything I could. I had already decided that I trust this guy, when I let him take nude pictures of me, and now I would have the best possible chances of making a lot of money. Imagine, 20000 dollars shared two ways. Not bad for a couple of days work.
I went home and waited anxiously for the phone to ring – just a couple of days later, it rang and it was my agent! He had a buyer!!
I left immediately and met him and the buyer at the buyers house. My agent told me the buyer was ready to buy, but was used to getting a personal showing from the model he bought from. He gave me some clothes to wear and I was soon getting out of that same clothes again in front of my agent and the buyer.
When I was almost naked, the buyer, surprisingly, and to my great joy, said that he was ready to buy! I was ecstatic! I gave a very big smile. All he wanted, he said, was to “seal the deal”.
My agent asked whether I would be up for that, and, without knowing what that entailed (athough I had somewhat of an idea) I nodded. My agent was happy and so was the buyer. And so was I!
I soon confirmed my suspicion about what ‘sealing the deal’ entailed, although I hadn’t expected my agent had to participate too.
The agent kept his cock in my mouth, but the buyer soon moved on to a more interesting activity, namely fucking me. This deal would soon be fucking sealed! I had gone through much to get this deal, that I was not going to stop now. This seemed very fair and reasonable, in a way.
The buyer soon came in me and moments later, the agent fucked me and came in me too. I felt pretty used at that point and my fucking agent just had to have a picture of me in this situation too, for whatever purpose.
Anyway, I felt happy the deal was sealed and also felt I had earned it.
The buyer paid my agent and soon left.
“So, that’s $10,000 each, I guess?” referring to our fifty-fifty agreement.
“I’ll hold up my end of the agreement, you can count on me, but I’am afraid the deal was not THAT good.” my agent explained “he just wanted the normal non-nude pictures and only paid $1000 for that, that’s all I could get – but that’s still something”.
I was furious. “What!? Just $1000! That’s just $500 each for all I’ve been through! That’s just not fair!”.
“I guess life is not always fair” the agent told “But I did the best I could. However, it doesn’t come out to $500 each, I’m afraid. I promised you half of the profit and we spend $800 so far, so that’s just $200 profit. Here’s your $100 – you’ve earned it”
COool twisty story
Cool buddy
Something Christmas-themed next maybe? And yes, I know I’m a sick perv.