I like to hang out in the hotel pool, even if the beach is quite nearby. I don’t like sand and salty water, so it’s just much nicer to stay in the hotel. I like to sit in the edge of the water in my bikini and just enjoy the sun as well as the cool water. Perfect.
I knew my bikini was slightly too small and was occasionally getting out of its place, but I didn’t pay too much attention to it. It would ruin my vacation to think about it constantly and no one else was around. Everyone else was at the beach.
However, I wasn’t completely alone. Unknown to me, another guest was slowly getting closer and closer, silently, throught the water.
He came closer and finally he was so close that I could actually hear him.
I had the sun in my eye, so I didn’t immediately open my eyes.
But then I felt a hand on my breast, and I opened my eyes, finding a stranger holding my boob.
“Whoa!” I just said.
“Your nipple was exposed to the sun, here let me help you, he said and continued to grope my nipples” he said and continued to grope my nipples (!). It was strange how he was narrating to me what he was doing.
“Well, stop it!” I said and he did.
He started leaving, but I decided to teach him a lesson.
“How would you like it if I grabbed your cock right now!?” I said and reached into his pants, only to find that he did indeed like that a lot.
I decided this plan was rather silly and left him again.
I then went to the edge of the pool and started getting up.
I wouldn’t say that he was pulling my panties off, but he was holding them in place while I was getting up. The effect being my panties being gone.
So he was just holding them and I was actually moving up, so I could hardly blame him for me not wearing them any more, although it was certainly overstepping some sort of implicit code of conduct to hold someone elses panties.
Here I was, bending over to get out of the pool. His cock was out, but that was my doing. My panties were off and that was sort of my doing too. Now I was bending over right in front of this guy with a boner that I had motivated. He of course decided to try to stick his penis in my pussy, like any man would in such situation.
I knew that water is actually not a lubricant, it washes away the pussy’s natural lubricant, making sex virtually impossible. So I decided to let him discover this for himself.
However, I had not anticipated three things.
First of all, we were out of the water now, so the water was no longer washing away any lubricant.
Secondly, I was producing new lube at record speeds right now.
Thirdly, his penis was really, really small, making it far easier for him to penetrate me. Under certain conditions, having a small penis is like having a super power, in that you can have sex with less preparation required.
Another super power this guy had was to cum quickly. Based on the sounds he made, he was clearly cumming and I could literally feel the cum hidding the sides of my vagina.
“I win this round” he said and left.
He certainly did. It was a game that made this vacation one to remember.
I won the next round and that one took place when I visited him in his hotel room.
Hope you had a good holiday season
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