We will publish a few more pictorials now based on submissions that did not really fit into the category that they were submitted in.
So please set your expectations low. These are some of the “left overs” from other pictorials.
We start off with some wardrobe malfunctions, especially from the beach.
My wifes bikini is a bit too big. She bought it right after she had our second child and then she lost some weight and now it’s very loose. It happens frequently that it shifts out of place like this.
My wife goes braless very often and when we go on a picnic, she usually falls asleep after we eat. As she shifts while she sleeps, her boobs almost invariably falls out. It’s one of my favourite things about picnics.
My girlfriend practices her guitar at home and I snapped a picture which I think you guys would enjoy. Look closely.
My wifes bikini bottom is a little tight and a little small. She is not much of a multi tasker so for example when she is on her phone, she will twist and turn and be completely oblivious to her surroundings until she hangs up.
My girlfriend and I had a fight after I took this photo. However, I explained that I only took it because she turns me on. Eventually she accepted that I kept the photo under the condition that I would not share it with anyone.
So I would like to pass that request on to you. Despite putting it on the website, please don’t share it with anyone.
My wife will not replace her favorite swim trunks no matter what I say, so now she will have to learn it the hard way.
My girlfriend did not have any bikini and she borrowed the bikini of one of her friends when we went to the beach. However, her friend is a couple of sizes smaller than her and it doesn’t fully fit.
My wife said it was OK that I share this here on the condition that I do not share her face. I told her that’s not the thing I am interested in sharing. She is wearing a very small bikini and she doesn’t shave much, so the combination is a LOT of pubic hair on display at the beach.
When we are on vacation, my wife will just put a hoodie on when she gets up and then make breakfast. I have tried to sort of ignore it a bit so she won’t get scared off her habit, but I think she’s on to me.
I noticed my wifes sister changing on the beach and decided to save the incident for posterity. Given that she is wearing sun glasses I assume she would not mind if I share it here.
My wife has had the same bikini ever since I met her more than 15 years ago.
I don’t think I would be a good husband if I pointed out that it does not fit her well any more.
When my wife is hanging around the pool back home in our back yard all day, her bikini some times shifts and today I built up the courage to actually take a picture of it. Considering her face is not visible, I think it is implied that she wouldnt mind it being shared here.