You may or may not be aware that Rachels nipples on Friends (portrayed by Jennifer Aniston) had countless scenes with protruding nipples, clearly visible through her shirt.

If you are like us, then you might be wondering, if those scenes made it into this family friendly show, then what were the scenes that they cut because they were too revealing for TV?
Well, believe it or not but the 20-year anniversary for some of those episodes have come up now, which means the raw footage was released to historians studying media and related topics.
For example, this rare frame is from a scene used in the show, but after they shot this, they had to reshoot it with a different shirt for Monica.

Another scene had a more natural situation where Monica and Chandler had been on the beach and Monica happened to be topless. That’s when she got stung by a jellyfish.

After testing it on an audience, they realized no one had understood the plot because they were distracted.
In another rejected scene, Rachel was comfortable at home being topless when Joey walked in on her and it was a funny moment but the whole scene did not work and was never reshot.

Another example of a scene that was kept but reshot with different outfits was this one with Monica and Chandler. In the first version, Monica was wearing just a bra on her top which the director deemed unnecessary for the character development.

Another scene was in one of the first episodes and was very close to being kept in the final version. The entire scene was shot two times with different outfits.
It was argued it made sense that Rachel was slightly underdressed in this scene as she was doing laundry.

One of the most famous outtakes was from the Thanksgiving football match. A lot of funny things were shot that day and one of them was Phoebe being so caught up in the game that she continued playing despite one of the boys accidentally pulling her pants off.
Of course, they were not going to show any particulars on TV but it’s visible in the raw footage that we could access.

They had a similar story for Rachel that they also tried out and shot a few scenes of that.

However, in the end, the scenes simply weren’t funny enough and were scrapped.
In one story Rachel is short of money and trying all sorts of things to get tips. One of those ideas were that she would not wear a shirt under her apron.

In the story where Monica was jealous of their new cleaner and suspicious that she had stolen her jeans, she one time found herself without jeans as part of a complicated plot to trap the cleaner.
The plot was scrapped because it didn’t make sense.

Some of the things found in the raw footage is simply wardrobe malfunctions that for obvious reasons were not included in the show.

Another scene was inspired by the famous bra story from Seinfeld and it was sort of a spoof on it they did with Monica causing a car crash. No one laughed.

Here are a few more scenes with no notes attached so unfortunately we cannot be sure what the context was.