The wrong party dress

I should have never gone to a party in this dress. I mean, I like it, but it’s just not big enough.


When I sit down, I am uncomfortable almost any way I sit. I feel like people can look up my skirt and that’s no good, because I never wear panties or bra. In fact I don’t own neither.

Whenever I try to kind of to pull the dress down a bit, I feel like my breasts are almost becoming visible near the top of the dress, if only very little.


I’m sure no one notices this, it’s all happening in my head, but I really do feel exposed some times and it distracts me.

When I stand up and pull my dress up to make sure my breasts are covered, I feel that my pussy is inches from being exposed under my dress.


Then, when it gets too high, I pull it down again…


When I pull it down, I completely forget why I pulled it up in the first place. So when I pull it down, it seems that my breasts become exposed for the briefest of moments.


It’s really quite a struggle.

However, I am pretty sure no one notices – I’m sure they have better things to do than walk around looking at what other people are doing.

Of course, I’m at a party and can’t hide the whole time. At one point a friend of mine comes up to me and talks and someone else is taking pictures. “Smile!” he says and takes a picture of us.


I realized after the picture is taken that my breasts might have jumped out of their hiding once again, but am hoping the guy taking the picture would have mentioned it if that had been the case.

“Can I have your attention please” the host yells into the crowd and everyone goes silent.


“It’s time to award the sexiest dress of the party!” he announces and sets up his camera to show pictures on the big screen TV.

I noticed that all the girls at the party are quite sexily clad and they are all waiting in great anticipation to hear who the winner is. It must be SOME prize, that they all want to win that bad. I hadn’t heard anything about it. I wonder if I’m in this contest by default.

“Here is the first contestant, showing probably the most impressive cleavage imaginable”


“The second contestant is wearing a nice sexy black outfit”


“The third contestant seems to wearing an outfit that is suitable for going to the beach later – maybe we should all go”


“The fourth contestant – well, girl, I’m afraid you don’t stand much of a chance to win with that dress”


“The fifth contestant seems to be quite ready for bed – is that sleepwear or partywear – or both!?”


“The sixth contestant is wearing a nice dress with a slit – and no pantyline. Definitely sexy – and as opposed to most other contestants in this ‘sexiest dress contest’, she IS wearing a dress!”


“The seventh contestant is wearing a very interesting outfit. At first glance it just looks sexy, but look again, and you’ll see she is not wearing anything under that jewelry in front of her pussy.”


“Wow, what a sight – maybe we have a winner here or maybe the eigth contestant can challenge her”

“The eight contestant is also wearing a proper dress – that is, most of the time she is wearing it, the rest of the time it’s falling off her. Very sexy.”


Oh no, a picture of me! And just as I had pulled the dress and … or … while I had also pulled it down! How unlucky! The worst I had feared was that they caught a glimpse of a nipple slip – not this!

“Thankyou everyone for voting, I will know count the votes”

“The second place goes to … contestant number 7!!”

Contestant number 7 was not really too happy, I guess she tought she would win.


“And the first place goes to … CONTESTANT NUMBER 8!”

Oh man, I won the contest. I don’t even know WHAT I won, only that it must have been something really good, since all these girls wanted to win that bad.

“The winner gets to have sex with Will, right here, right now! Congratulations, contestant number 8!”

Everyone looks at me. I am sitting on the couch and Will is sitting down right next to me and taking his big black cock out. Now what should I do …

I won the contest – if everyone thinks I wanted to win, it’s supercool that I won. However, if everyone thinks I didn’t compete and won anyway, they will think I am super slutty. There is only one solution – I have to pretend like I wanted to win. With this tought in my head, I grab Wills cock and start sucking it.


Will takes my dress off and slips his own clothes off too. He puts me on my back on the couch and starts putting a condom on. I am happy with that, at least.

Then he starts poking his cock into my pussy.


I try to forget that everyone is looking at me and try to just give in to the situation and the moment.

Will certainly seems to not have a problem with that, as he fucks me without even looking at the audience. I try to follow his example, making it less awkward for me and everyone else.

When he is about to cum, I expect him to cum in his condom, but he yanks it off in the last second and cums on my tummy.


Great. Now what am I gonna do – there is no shower here .. I guess I just have to put the dress back on, on top of the cum. Delicious.

But hey, it worked – I was very popular at the rest of this party, everyone congratulated me on the victory and the girls said how envious they were that I got to have Will. Not exactly what I had in mind when I went to this party, but not too bad anyway I guess.

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