Travelling with my boss

I went to Bulgaria on a business trip with my boss. I’m his secretary and he needed someone to take notes at the meeting.


Here I am, while we’re waiting for the cab that is going to take us back to the hotel.

When we arrived at the hotel, I discovered that we only had one room booked. My boss wanted us to share a room. I thought at first it would be inappropriate, although I don’t really know how this sort of thing works normally.

It makes sense to share a room, I guess, since we then have to pay less.

After we came home to the hotel, I had to have a shower to get ready for the meeting the next early morning. I discovered that there was no lock to the shower room, so I said very loud and clear to my boss “I’m taking a shower now!”

Whether he didn’t hear me or didn’t care, I don’t know, but he came into the shower room all the same.


Luckily I was still wearing my bra and panties when he came in, but I might as well have been naked. He had now way of knowing!

After he left, I completed the shower. When I was done, I couldn’t find my underwear – and I couldn’t find any of the towels either! There was nothing in there to cover me. I didn’t know how that happened, but I yelled out to my boss on the other side of the door to turn around and look away and close his eyes, because I would have to run out and get some clothes.

“OK” he said.

When I came out he sat there on the bed looking right at me. I hurried back into the bath room to where he followed me.


“Come on, don’t stand there – come sit on the bed and I’ll explain”.

He was already looking right at me, so I wouldn’t be any worse off sitting on the bed. At least he would explain this crazy behaviour.


He then started asking me questions. Weird questions, I thought, at that time.

“Do you know that some of the secretaries travelling with their boss, has to do some ironing of shirts and other things like that?”

“Yes” I replied, having talked to the other secretaries about exactly that.

“Do you know who does that for them normally?” he asked me.

I thought about it. If they didn’t do it themselves, it must be their wives. “Their wives” I responded.

“Yes!” he said back. “Their wives indeed do that. My wife doesn’t iron my shirts, though – and that explains why you haven’t been asked to do that either”.

I nodded.

“But my wife does something else for me, which now falls on you, when you’re travelling with me”.

I was afraid of where he was going with this.

“My wife poses naked for me” he said.

Not as bad as I had feared, but still a pretty grim outlook. “I need you to spread your legs for me now – my wife does that, so it’s either that or you are in breach of your employment contract in which it is implied that you maintain wifely duties of any boss you travel with”.

I spread my legs as he had asked.


He already had me naked on the bed, I might as well play along for a bit and keep my job. I knew what contract breach meant: Not ever getting a job again. That’s Japan for you.

I discovered something surprising as I spread my legs in front of him. I was getting wet. I was getting aroused. I was getting that funny feeling in my tummy.

“Lie still now” he said and started rubbing my pussy with a little toy.


At first I twitched, then I just relaxed and let him work his toy on me. I closed my eyes and the amazing sensation of the toy on my pussy overcame me. I enjoyed it and although I tried to supress, I think I even moaned a bit.

He went on for 5 or 10 minutes, pressing the toy further and further into me, meanwhile I closed my eyes and dreamt myself away.


I could feel the toy drilling further into me. I kept my eyes closed, I didn’t want to look at him while he did this. I didn’t want him to see how aroused I was. I didn’t want to let him now how my body had betrayed me.

Apparently he was getting off on using this toy on me, because I could hear his breathing get heavier.

He moved the toy faster and faster and all of a sudden gave a little moan.


Afterwards he left me like that on the bed and I could hear him turn on the shower. I stayed in bed with my eyes closed, exhausted.


I put the cover on and slept like that, just wanted to sleep now.

The next morning I noticed that some slime was coming from my vagina. I had never seen it before, but I guessed it was probably something my vagina had made last night.

I never went on a business trip with my boss again after that day, but sometimes I wished that I was back in that hotel room again.

3,767 thoughts on “Travelling with my boss”

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