Types of accidental celebrity nudity – Red carpet nipple slips

This classic happens due to the fact that many celebrities have to wear a special dress for red carpet events. They are often quite skimpy and it’s the first time they’re worn. The celebrity has to trust the dress, because when they are on the red carpet, they cannot nervously look out for how the dress is doing all the time. They have to pose for the cameras, as Tara Reid is doing in this famous nipple slip.


Most of these nipple slips actually happen because of wardrobe malfunctions, like this nipple slip of Natalie Portman.



It’s ironic that the amount of wardrobe malfunctions are so high, considering how expensive the dresses are. Thousands of dollars, and they don’t even work properly. Or perhaps they do. The celebrities get massive attention for each nipple slip and they are considered “innocent” because it was a wardrobe malfunction.

One of the “bigger” nipple slips must be said to be that of Christina Hendricks of Mad Men.


It’s “funny” that this nipple slip happened just after she was no longer on new episodes of Mad Men … many suspected her of mimicking Tara Reid’s famous nipple slip, just to get attention and possibly land a new job.

However, if it WAS on purpose, she certainly did a great job acting all surprised when it happened.

Possibly one of the most famous red carpet “nipple slips” however, was the one that Alyson Hannigan made – she obviously made it on purpose as a gag – kind of mocking all those other celebrities that were pretending that nipple slips accidentally happened to them.


She certainly got a lot of publicity from this performance – and the best part is, that most people got the joke. The people that didn’t get the joke, still appreciated her nice little tits.

Stay tuned next week for even more types of accidental celebrity nudity.

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