Wrestling for women is not a very popular sport, but across the world, hundreds of thousands of women participate in wrestling sports. Real wrestling, not wrestling entertainment.
We were made aware of this sport by a friendly reader. He told that he likes to go and support his wife (blue) although she usually loses. He finds the sport entertaining.
Of course as the attentive reader of this page has noticed – there are frequently some wardrobe malfunctions in womens wrestling.
Even at practice.
Womens wrestling is the most popular type of wrestling that women participate in. Yes, you read that right. Of course it is.
But what is the alternative? Mixed wrestling of course. In this day and age, its not politically correct to assume that men are stronger than women. Wrestling is also about technique and quite frequently, women win over men in mixed wrestling.
Another reader writes:
My wife does mixed wrestling – and before you think anything improper is going on, just take a look at the photos. They are just wrestling and most of the time there are not even any wardrobe malfunctions. All those wardrobe malfunctions are giving the sport a bad name.
Well, thank you reader, although we disagree that wardrobe malfunctions have any negative impact on the sport.

A reader submission is about karate and doesnt fit right into this pictorial, but it deserves a mention anyway.
My wife practices karate and in this dojo, the dress code is a gi and nothing else. It’s just how they do it traditionally there. Of course, the loose gi often means her breast is exposed.
But going back to wrestling and especially mixed wrestling, there is much more to tell.
Of course, to say mixed wrestling is completely asexual would be wrong. What is? In the heat of a fight, it is impossible to avoid, for instance, that a hand lands on the crotch of the opponent.
This is discouraged but legal.

This has the effect that the male challenger is distracted and also it is a sensitive area and the female fighter can make up for what she might lack in raw strength.
There has been cases where the female fighter takes advantage of this and directly reaches out for the crotch area to gain an advantage. And they do gain an advantage. Especially if the male gets an erection. Such an erection gets in the way.

Here is a story about some of the doubts and compromises in the sport.
My wife practices mixed wrestling and I like to watch her practice some times but not always. In my wifes club, wardrobe malfunctions are not at all rare. In fact, I think they made them part of the sport.
More often than not, her top will come off during a match.

Once in a while, not too often, her bottom will tear off as well, leaving her in a naked fight.
In this club, they dont have “rounds”. Instead they fight until the match is decided. So there is no opportunity to change into fresh clothes.

Rarely – and I have only seen this happen a few times, the underwear of the male wrestler is also torn, essentially leaving them both naked.
Whoever stops the match has lost, so they will continue fighting at any cost.

My wife is a good wrester and she often wins, even when she is butt naked. Maybe it is even an advantage for her.
One of the important things to keep in mind when winning is that shyness must be saved till after the match. For now there is only one target and that is to won.

So as you can see here, she cannot by shy about getting on top of him and putting in all her weight.
During a match, the position of power can change many times. When they are both naked and the male even has an erection, some of these positions can be a little ‘dangerous’.
But my wife tells me that a sweaty pussy is almost impossible to penetrate. I guess he must be getting pretty close some times for her to find it relevant to mention that.

My wife also knows what she has to do to win and does go for the penis grab when possible.

Of course, retribution comes quickly. When the tables turn, she can expect attempts at pussy grabbing. She is one person who does know that it is certainly possible to grab a pussy. It happens to her every week.

Eventually she will quite often win, which is lucky for her, because it allows her to stay in the mixed wrestling team. If she lost too often, then she would get downgraded to womens wrestling.
Some times I cannot believe her luck. She is just about to lose, but then it is as if the male fighter loses his power and then she ends up winning.

Anyway, that was just my little wrestling story.

This was actually the end of the story, but we got a late submission from a place that has fights evolve naturally, as they put it. We are lucky to have obtained footage from one of those fights.
My wife is fighting this guy and they are in the same weight class. The stakes are high so this fight is really serious.

My wife frequently wins and she had gambled a lot on this one fight because she had seen her opponent fight.
But it was quickly clear that he was not going to be easy to win against.

Of course, it is quite frequent that they are able to tear away each others clothing. My wife was actually able to tear his pants off and she was quite certain that it would give her an advantage.
But he quickly gained control again.

She tried to grab him by the penis. It got him harder but it also gave her an advantage and she was heading into control again.

Soon after he had managed to tear her clothes off as well, and it was back to square one.
But I did think I saw my wife getting somewhat tired, so I was not sure this one was going to turn out great.

Then her luck turned.
She got on top of him and was able to even grab his penis. It was rock hard by now and easy to grab.
I was sure at this point that the game was going to be over

But, alas, he managed to turn it around again. He got her on her back and had a good grab of her legs.
She struggled for several minutes and then she started struggling less.
This is when she should give up – but as long as she doesn’t give up, the match continues.
With him hovering over her, his cock already hard, it is no wonder he took the opportunity to start fucking her. Perhaps to motivate her to quit. But she didnt quit.

He managed to cum in her – and that is the ultimate win according to the rules here. That is proven domination and then the guy was declared as the winner.

She lost 500 dollars and with an extra catch. The winner got to choose the next 2 opponents for her.

The opponents chosen for her were in a different weight class and she didn’t start a change. She lost two both of them by ‘domination’ (them cumming in her) and that sent her on a problematic spiral. Because each of the two winners were able to choose another two opponents and they also made it hard for her.
Ι’vе noticеd thаt manу guуѕ рrefer regular gіrlѕ.
Ι арplaudе thе men out there who hаd the balls to enϳоy thе lovе of mаny womеn and сhоose thе onе that he knеw would be his bеst frіеnd durіng thе bumpy аnd crаzу thіng саllеd lifе.
Ι wаntеd to be that friеnd, nоt just а ѕtаblе, relіable and borіng hоuѕеwіfе.
I аm 22 уeаrѕ old, Αnnа, frоm the Сzеch Republіc, knоw Еnglіsh lаnguage аlsо.
Anywaу, you cаn find my prоfilе hеrе: http://bhoodapisovex.ga/page-3739/