My friend Gooper invited me to a live roleplaying event. At first I figured it would be for geeks. After actually attending I found that to be accurate. However, to my surprise I also found lots of hot girls there. Probably geeks too, but they clearly loved wearing elaborate realistic costumes.

Of course these roleplaying events are all just fun and games but at the same time they are quite serious. They are serious in the sense that everyone knows if they wear a wrist watch or something like that, then they would ruin the illusion for everyone else.
For that reason, many people take great care to avoid any modern clothing and because of all that effort, people who make mistakes with this become very unpopular and are effectively shamed out of the community. So it’s not a rule but really it’s stricter than a rule. You risk losing all your friends if you make a mistake like that.
If found the whole thing fascinating and I noticed that for the girls it also meant they would not be wearing a bra and panties. Those are considered modern clothing.

For example, this roleplayer is wearing authentic clothing and subtly, it is clear from the side that she is not breaking any rules in terms of modern clothing. Very sexy and I got the clear impression that the girls liked that part of it as well.
This had it all. Dressing up. Fun and games. Elaborate costumes. An excuse to wear something sexy. Just like Halloween when girls dress up in sexy nurses uniforms.
Some times these events are held in very large areas that are usually reserved for military training but then for a weekend only reserved for live roleplaying. One time we were a small group that had to literally walk for two hours.

One of the women who were part of the walk were wearing a combination of different scarfs and blankets which were both realistic and beautiful. And also quite practical, except maybe not for a very, very long walk like that.
As she was walking ahead of the group at one point, her scarfs would move from side to side and reveal what everyone already knew, that she was not wearing any modern clothing under the scarfs.

Later in the trip there were a few moments when her entire wardrobe were in disarray for a moment.

This is when I got hooked on this game. I got into the live roleplay stuff, the game itself, but I was every time enjoying checking out the elaborate costumes and found myself also doing a lot of effort on my costume.
I learned to spot the costumes that would malfunction. I teamed up with Megan here – or Carriar, as she was called in-game. Her outfit was a single piece of fabric and then a leather belt to keep it all together. And a cape on top.

Especially when she had been in combat or were otherwise managing her oversize sword her tits would peak out from time to time.

Another girl who was very prone to wardrobe malfunctions was Megan B. That’s another Megan. I don’t know why there were so many girls called Megan at this thing.
So Megan B was also wearing similar clothing, but it was a little shorter and apparently a lot harder to manage. Firstly, her tits were more out than into this costume. Except of course when we were getting in a larger group, then she would spend some time to realign everything and then it would go awry again as soon as we went into battle.

When relaxing around the camps, then it would be more than apparent that she was in fact not wearing any kind of modern underwear. And the thing to understand about these games is that there would be perhaps half an hour of actual battle every day. The rest of the time would be regrouping, preparations, camps, preparing for sleepovers and so on.
Oh yes, did I mention, some were one day events but some were over the weekends with one or two nights in the forest. These events were only held when the temperatures were nice and warm in the night of course.

Probably you are aware that when doing roleplaying games you can play different roles. The easiest is a warrior role but one of the more popular ones are druids or priestesses. Usual with some light magic powers and healing powers.
One quality of these druids that are also from the game of Dungeons and Dragons, as many of these rules are, that a druid cannot run around in a heavy armor. They get penalties. Instead they get bonuses from lighter clothing and some girls do what we like to call “power gaming” where they optimize to get the optimal bonuses.
For example, this druid is wearing a single piece of clothing in the “light” category and gets full bonuses on all her spell casting.

The sames goes for this priestess who was hosting one of the most popular in-game inns at the games.
She would win awards almost every game for her efforts and for her decorative outfits as well. Notice her facial decorations.

One of the most memorable moments of the game that we still talk about is when one of the opponents were trying to sneak into our camp in the late afternoon.
If she is able to capture on of our artifacts without being caught, she will gain a lot of points and also a lot of acclaim from her fellow team mates.

The danger, though, is that if she is seen by the opponents in the camp then she will be surrounded and will very likely be caught and lose the game. Losing the game s bad not only because you will be out of the game, but you have to actually “play dead” for the rest of the day.

She was trying to hide behind trees and hide in the shadows. But we were in an artifical hill we had built near the camp and we could clearly see her sneaking around outside. She had no chance of seeing us.
It was exciting to see her strategy. She knew we might be hiding artifacts in the tree near the camp. She looked around and figured everyone was in the hut and so she wanted to climb the tree and check it out. Of course, you cannot climb a tree while wearing a cloak, so she left that on the ground before climbing up.

“Now?” I asked Gooper. “Not yet” he said. I figured now would be a good time to out and catch her but Gooper was more experienced and figured it would be better to wait a bit longer.
Our artifacts were not in the tree so she climbed down again. It seemed her home made loincloth had come lose and just as she was tying it again, Gooper yelled loudly “Now!”

She had no time to tie her loincloth again. She had to just get going as quickly as possible or she’d be caught.
She ran off and we came out of the hill and the huts and started running after her.
However, we could see that she had too much of a head start and we would not be able to catch her so we let her go. She didn’t get her costume with her, though. We never found out more about what she did after this, but it sure was fun and I understood now what Gooper was waiting for.

Another time I started hanging out with this battle rogue. She didn’t have any lose fitting clothing. Instead she was simply wearing two belts. It made for a great outfit, actually.

I never realized before this day that a big belt like this is actually very similar to a mini skirt. And like a mini skirt, even if the belt rides up slightly while walking, then the shadow will make it as if nothing is really visible under the skirt.
I know from before, so even though you cannot see it on this picture, I can tell you that she is in fact not wearing any modern underwear.

Another time she was a warlock. Although some of the guy warlocks were wearing a light armor, the uniform for female warlocks were a light dress.

One issue for her with this dress was that when she had to cast a spell, part of it was making certain gestures with her arms.
And when she raised her arms, her dress would follow and make her expose everything under it.

When I started going to roleplaying things almost every other weekend, it became the place where I found my friends and eventually also a girlfriend.
I met Aria randomly but I knew immediately I wanted to follow her for a while and we hit it off.

When I met her, she was a warrior role and a good one too.
And it is no secret that for female warriors in role playing games, online games too, the armor is basically a bikini armor or something like that. That’s how the tradition is.

Anyway, we dated for a while. Not really anything very serious but just some casual flirting and dating in-game mostly and a few dinner dates outside.
We talked about other roles for her and she took a role of gypsy druid in the following game. What a great role for her.

Her skirt was a big piece of fabric simply tied on the side.
And as she walked, it would open slightly and put her gorgeous ass on display for everyone to see.

Her skirt was really big and that had an advantage actually. This was one of those walks through the landscape and when we stopped to take a rest, she put her skirt down as a picnic blanket!

I am not kidding. When she sat there on her picnic blanket, having her lunch, I came right in my pants. I didn’t even touch myself.

And when she got up after the picnic, we had to clear away the food before she could put her skirt back on. It did take me a bit longer than it should have to clear it up …

Sadly she was re-assigned to the “palace” in the next game and we had a falling out ever since. The palace is a special place because we have in-game royalty and they sort of manage armies, so it is another kind of game, and regular players do not get to enter the palace.
The palace is of course just a big tent, but we pretend it’s a palace.
So I was happy for her that she was re-assigned to the palace but in the end it was a bit sad because that is probably exactly what made us stop seeing each other.
As a short side story, I just want to show you how it looked one time when we had planned to walk from one camp to another, but when it got dark, we had to stop and sleep in a canyon.
Another quick honorable mention before we move on is this warrior going with a super micro mini belt skirt.

I learned after months of playing this game that there were some spells that I had not yet seen or even learned about. Some of the druids had a revival skill and I had never seen it in action before.
I was walking with this druid type player and she was very much into the technicalities of the game.

At one point we saw this player from our own team who had been slain on the battle field. “He’s dead, too bad” I said.
Of course, the human was alive, but the character in the game was supposed to be dead.
“I can revive him” she said. “Really?”

And then she started chanting and saying a spell.
After she had completed her spell, the guy was still not moving. Still playing dead.
She then took me completely by surprise. She reached out for his crotch, pulled out his penis and started giving him a blowjob.
And when he came, that’s apparently when she was revived.
“Wow, I didnt know you could do that” I said. “Oh that, it’s a good system. It ensures we can only revive every 6 hours or so”.
She had a point. And you couldn’t just say “revive”. It would take some effort. It was a fair system but I was surprised still. Also surprised that I had never seen it before but of course I hadn’t died.
Maybe it was this experience that made me less afraid of “death” in the next battle and I fought valiantly. So valiantly, in fact, that I was awarded the role of servant in the palace for the next game.
Wow, that was so exciting. I would finally see the inside of a “palace” even if it was just an old tent.

In the palace I was told to serve the queen, or rather the player that was designated the in-game role of queen. Probably because of her accomplishments in previous games.
I brought her drinks and snacks all day long.
At one point she took her clothes off and lied down on the table. “Lick my pussy!” she commanded me.

I couldn’t believe what I was hearing. But then again, this was roleplaying. This was a way to play out fantasies. I understood now why not everyone was let into the palace.
I also realized I probably was let into the palace because I witnessed the “revival” and maybe not so much because of my glorious battle.

I was not one to break the rules of the game and I licked this pussy to the best of my ability and she liked it a lot.
She was moaning loudly, clearly enjoying it.
Then she said “fuck me”. I looked at her awkwardly for a moment, then she said “fuck me now!”
I did as commanded and slipped my cock into her soaking wet pussy.

I fucked her probably deeper than I have ever fucked anyone before.
I couldn’t help it and after just a minute I started cumming in her pussy. She seemed to enjoy that too.

“Oh yes, just what I needed” she said. “More grapes” she then commanded me.
As I started feeding her grapes, I realized two things …

The first thing I realized was that I had to figure out what I needed to do become “king” in this game. The prize of having servants and telling them what to do was amazing. I had to try that.
The second thing I realized is what my ex-girlfriend must have been doing when she became awarded the honor of working as a servant in the palace.