I run a gym class that is quite popular. It’s in the middle of a weekday and it’s full of bored housewives, for some of which, this is the highlight of their week.
Everyone is in a good mood, laughing with each other, having fun and cracking jokes.
There is a very good group dynamic in this class. Everyone is participating, pushing each other to complete the exercises.
I got a fun idea last time. I didn’t know how it would be received, so I made it completely voluntary to participate. I said that anyone who would wear less clothes than the rest of the class, would get the class for free. The class isn’t cheap, so it’s something.
So that I don’t end up with the whole bill, we agreed that those still most dressed in the class would share the bill for everyone.
We got through almost half the class before a few of the girls decided they wanted to go for the free class.
Soon after a few more girls got inspired to get the class for free and they got topless as well.
It wasn’t long before the half of the class that was still fully dressed figured they would now be paying double for the class. One a price that is already pretty high. That … and peer pressure … I guess is why I ended up with an entire class of topless girls and women, doing their usual gymnastics.
A few of them giggled, but most of them just continued theirr exercises.
Some of them quickly realized that wearing shorts or pants would not be much different than wearing just underpants and they dropped their pants.
The same thing happened as before. As soon as a few started taking their pants off, others followed and then when about half had done it, the rest followed, so they wouldn’t have to pay double.
Everyone was having fun with this, giggling at each other. Everyone was still paying the same, because everyone had followed the group and now they were all even and paying the same.
A couple of the girls did something I did not expect. Well, I did expect these two girls did it, because I had paid them before the class to motivate the others by being the first to take it to the next step. They took their panties off, left them completely naked.
Amazingly – and this I had truly not expected – the same dynamic worked again.
A few followed the first ones and soon after it was a landslide effect or lemming effect. Whatever it was, no one wanted to pay double and everyone took all their clothes off.
Before they were looking at each other, giggling. Now they seemed to try to avoid looking at each other, and each just did the exercises without making any note of the others.
I wanted to have some fun with that and hoped that they would have fun too. I thought this was the perfect time to do that exercise where you hold the ball with your feet on the floor.
I had everone lie down …
… and then they were given a ball and needed to balance it with their legs while lying on the floor. Normally a fun exercise, but today even more fun.
They would then pass the ball to the person in front of them with their feet, and the next one would balance the balls. So then the ball would go to everyone and back again.
Some were struggling for a while and couldn’t pass it on and had to try again if they lost their balance.
Others had to use their hands to not let the ball fall and then the whole row had to start over.
It was the last exercise of the day and the hour was over. It had to come to an end.
I was very fair regarding the photos that were taken during the session. Of course, I would be happy to sell them, but I made sure to allow everyone to buy back the pictures of themselves first – and only if they declined to buy them, would I allow others to buy them.
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